Ospreys at Llyn Brenig - New visitors to the nest

Ospreys at Llyn Brenig - New visitors to the nest

©Mark Roberts NWWT

The latest blog update from our staff on the ground up at Llyn Brenig on 7/4/2021

Some good news, the nest cameras on the Llyn Brenig Osprey Nest are now fully working.

We will now be able to see and ID any ospreys that land on the nest and whether or not the ringed bird seen around Llyn Brenig is HR7. If anyone has a good photo of the ringed osprey please check if you can see which leg the blue darvic ring is on and let us know.

Let us not give up hope for the safe return of BLUE24 and HR7, UK ospreys are still arriving back to their breeding grounds and some are still to return. One reason for the later than expected arrivals could be the weather conditions, particularly the northerly winds experienced for some days now and forecasted for further more. There have also been reports of adverse weather conditions in countries across the migration routes as far back as West Africa.

Many thanks everyone looking for and reporting sightings of ospreys around North Wales. It is very much appreciated.