Ospreys at Llyn Brenig

Ospreys at Llyn Brenig

Osprey © Gary Jones Wildlife Photography

Dwynwen KC5 Feeding

FEEDING Dwynwen /KC5

Dwynwen/KC5 is certainly eating and HR7 bringing in the fish. When hungry (which is quite often) KC5 flies from the nest to the nest perch, back and forth calling and flapping her wings telling HR7 she’s hungry and time to bring her a meal. Sometimes BLUE24 joins her on the nest and is also calling, telling HR7 to go and catch a fish. Usually HR7 brings in a fish, drops it in the nest and flies off.

Lunchtime Friday (24/7/20) HR7 brought a smaller than usual fish to the nest for KC5 but as he tried to deliver it quite a commotion followed with KC5 grabbing at the fish and HR7 flapping his wings. We then realised what had happened, in KC5’s attempt to grab the fish she actually had HR7’s talon in her beak, he eventually got free and flew off. HR7 arrived back at the nest with a much bigger fish at about 5.30pm and this hand over went smoothly, BLUE24 then brought in a fish at around 7pm which she shared with KC5, eating some herself and tearing off pieces to feed KC5. About an hour later yet another fish is dropped into the nest by HR7, the nest was full of fish. It ended up with KC5 taking the fish from Blue24 to eat herself and BLUE24 eating the fish HR7 had brought in.

With KC5’s talons growing stronger and stronger she is now able to feed herself and has started taking the remains of the fish to the nest perch to feed. However, she is not finding balancing on the perch whilst eating a fish easy but with practice she will soon get the hang of it.  

Kim and Guiseppe will be at the Osprey lookout for the rest of the season, mainly Thursday to Sunday 11 - 5 but this may change depending on the weather.