Ospreys at Llyn Brenig

Ospreys at Llyn Brenig

©Mark Roberts NWWT

April 3rd 2021 Update

Two ospreys have been seen around Llyn Brenig over the last few days, one reported as ringed and one un-ringed. There doesn’t seem to be any significant change on the nest to suggest osprey activity, which could indicate that these could be new birds to the area maybe looking for a nesting site. Until they are identified we cannot know for sure who they are or why they are at Brenig. Ospreys have also been spotted on nearby Aled Isaf (a small lake a few miles northwest of Brenig), maybe the same birds.

We are hopeful that Blue24 and HR7 will return. In 2018 HR7 did not return until the 6th April and in 2020 the 4th of April. Although Blue24 is later than usual a number of UK birds have still to return and these northerly winds may delay them.

A massive thank you to all of who have been looking for the ospreys at Brenig, taking photographs and reporting back, we are also out with scopes at Llyn Brenig and the local area. This is a huge help to us and very much appreciated. Thank you.