Remember a Charity in your Will Event

Remember a Charity in your Will Event

Remember a Charity in your Will Week Event 2022 © NWWT

Did you miss our Remember a Charity in your Will event? Find out what happened and why it's not too late you write your Will for free.

There was cake - so much cake - a Womble, sunny walks around our wonderful wildlife garden and free legal advice from Swayne Johnson solicitors.

A huge thanks goes to Orinoco the Womble who spent the entire day swinging his sign much to the delight of many drivers who honked their horns in appreciation. Thank you also to Kaye from Swayne Johnson who gave her time and legal advice freely to all that wanted it.

I think - indeed hope - everyone who attended the day had a good time, enjoyed their expert tour of the garden (thank you Anna!), indulged in coffee and cake and most importantly, got the legal advice they required. If you couldn't make it, or reading this has made you consider leaving us gift in your Will, or indeed you would like details of how to take advantage of a free Will, it is certainly not too late! (see below)

Help protect local wildlife and wild places for future generations by leaving a gift in your Will

Once you have provided for your loved ones, remembering North Wales Wildlife Trust in your Will helps keep your memories of our wildlife alive for future generations.  We need this support to ensure that the children of North Wales will be able to continue to enjoy their wildlife and wild places as they grow up and have families of their own.

Every gift in every Will, however large or small, makes a difference.

Free Will-writing services   Use your own solicitor 

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